Autumn is upon us and as the daylight begins to fade earlier and earlier each day, we are making room for longer movie nights.

Docs in Orbit is delighted to kick off this year’s fall film festival season in the cozy atmosphere of mid-coast Maine at the Camden International Film Festival with a batch of episodes to coincide with some of our favorite viewings from the line-up.

Listen below and also available on Spotify, Apple Podcast, or Google Podcast

Program Review with Milton Guillén

[September 12, 2022] Before making our way to mid-coast Maine, we had the pleasure to sit with the Senior Programmer at the Camden International Film Festival, Milton Guillén, to discuss this year’s stellar line-up and how the program came together. We also discuss some of the Points North Forum events that will be on offer. This episode is moderated by Christina Zachariades, Docs in Orbit

FORAGERS with Jumana Manna

[September 15, 2022] A conversation with visual artist Jumana Manna about her striking new film FORAGERS, which is one of the opening night films at the Camden International Film Festival. The film recounts the dramas around the practice of foraging for wild edible plants in Palestine/Israel. In this conversation, Jumana shares insight into her artistic practice exploring the paradoxical politics of preservation and working within a hybrid format. Moderated by Teyama Alkamli, Docs in Orbit

FORAGERS screens opening night at CIFF on THURSDAY, September 15 at 7:30pm and will also be available virtually from Thursday, September 15 - Sunday, September 25 on the CIFF Virtual platform.


[September 16, 2022] It is night in America. A young anteater is found dead by the side of a road in Brasilia, a boa constrictor wanders into the suburbs, a maned wolf is found in a farm. The question is: are animals invading our cities, or rather are we occupying their habitat?

IT IS NIGHT IN AMERICA (2022) by Ana Vaz is a spellbinding film that comes to the Camden International Film Festival wielding a strong energetic power that, no doubt, will transfix spectators and provoke reflection on the visible and subjective effects of colonialism. 

To hear Ana speak about her artistic process is as affecting as experiencing her work. Facilitating the exchange is Zaina Bseiso, a programmer at the Camden International Film Festival.

Screening at CIFF on Friday, September 16 at 9:00pm and also available virtually from Thursday, September 15 - Sunday, September 25, on the CIFF Virtual platform.


[September 18, 2022] An in-depth conversation where we explore Jacquelyn's intuitive and collaborative approach to filmmaking including the different eco-friendly processing techniques she experimented with while crafting GEOGRAPHIES OF SOLITUDE. Moderated by Sean Vanwert, Docs in Orbit

GEOGRAPHIES OF SOLITUDE screens Sunday, September 18 at CIFF and will be available virtually from Thursday, September 15 - Sunday, September 25 on the CIFF Virtual platform.

ALL THAT BREATHES with Shaunak Sen

[September 18, 2022] On the occasion of its screening at CIFF, we are excited to host a conversation with Shaunak Sen where he shares with us his creative process in making this film and the ecological philosophies underpinning ALL THAT BREATHES. Moderated by Christina Zachariades, Docs in Orbit

ALL THAT BREATHS screens Sunday, September 18 at CIFF.